Autumn Blast! - Cub Scouts
Event Details

Welcome! We are glad you’re here. This Saturday event is a unique opportunity to celebrate Fall and recruit new faces to Scouting!
The programming planned will enhance participation for Lions (K) & Tigers (1st), Wolf (2nd) & Bear (3rd), and Webelos (4th & 5th), while also delivering a camp experience to anyone interested in becoming a Cub Scout, and all the youth who joined this Fall! These activities will build comradery, and be FUN! Saturday lunch will be provided.
WHO: All Boys & Girls, Grades K-5
WHEN: October 21, 2023
Activities include: Shooting Sports Ranges, Camp Games, Pumpkin Bowling, Slime Creation, 9-Square, Bottle Rockets, Scavenger Hunt and More!
When & Where