2025 Cub Scout Day Camps

Day Camp 2025
The Laurel Highlands Council is proud to announce its day camp dates and locations for the summer of 2025. They are listed on the right side of this screen. Please click on them to register.
Cub Scout Day Camp is three days of exciting fun, exciting program activities and adventure at a location close to home with no overnight stay. Day Camp is an introductory outdoor program for Tigers, Cub Scouts, and Webelos with little camping experience. Programs are run by highly trained volunteers and are inspected and accredited annually by the Laurel Highlands Council.
Our 2025 theme will run throughout the daily program of challenge, adventure, creativity, and learning. Both daytime and evening "twilight" camp opportunities are available. Scouts, families, dens, and packs can attend any camp that fits their schedule provided they have the required adult leadership. They are also welcome to attend more than one day camp as each one is a little different.
Where possible - please try to register as a pack or a den.
3-Day Day Camp Pricing
2025 Costs |
Paid in full by 4/1/2025 |
Paid in full by 5/1/2025 |
Paid in full 5/2/2025 or after |
Youth | $70 | $80 | $100 |
Sibling | $60 | $60 | $70 |
Adult | $15 | $15 | $15 |
4-Day Camp Guyausta Pricing
Paid in full by 4/1/2025 | Paid in full by 5/1/2025 |
Paid in full |
Youth | $110 | $120 | $130 |
Sibling | $80 | $80 | $90 |
Adult | $15 | $15 | $15 |
In order to avoid late fees, unit payments must be received at one of the council service centers by the payment dates listed above.
All Scouts, Siblings (participating and non-participating), and Adults will need to complete medical forms A&B. This form can be found to the right in the attachments section.
Your camp T-Shirt will be your ticket. All adults, Scouts, and participants are expected to wear their shirts daily. All registrations include one t-shirt but extra shirts may be purchased for $10.
Please consult your local day camp leader’s guides for additional information.
Trading posts will be open at all camps to purchase fun items and scout materials.
All adults will also need to present proof of completion of BSA youth protection training as well as their PA state police, childline and either the PA affidavit for those who have lived in the state for more than 10 years or the FBI clearance for those who have lived out of state.
Settlers Cabin Park - Senca Pavillion
Wednesday 06-11-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Friday 06-13-2025 3:30 PM ET
Bedford Sportsman's Club
Bedford Sportsman Club
Wednesday 06-11-2025 9:00 AM ET to
Friday 06-13-2025 4:00 PM ET
South Park
South Park Scout Camp
Monday 06-16-2025 8:30 AM ET to
Wednesday 06-18-2025 3:30 PM ET
Berlin Grove
Berlin Grove
Monday 06-16-2025 9:00 AM ET to
Wednesday 06-18-2025 4:00 PM ET
Camp Seph Mack
Camp Seph Mack
Tuesday 06-24-2025 8:00 AM ET to
Thursday 06-26-2025 4:00 PM ET
Camp Baker
Camp Baker
Monday 07-21-2025 9:00 AM ET to
Wednesday 07-23-2025 4:00 PM ET
Cecil Park - Twilight Camp
Cecil Twp Park
Monday 07-21-2025 4:00 PM ET to
Thursday 07-24-2025 8:30 PM ET
Camp Guyasuta
Camp Guyasuta
Monday 08-04-2025 8:00 AM ET to
Thursday 08-07-2025 4:00 PM ET