2019 ODE STEM Workshop Registration

Makahiki Onizuka Day of Exploration
STEM Workshops
Thank you for your interest in STEM Workshops at the Ellison Onizuka Day of Exploration, Saturday, April 27, at the Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.
NOTE: registration is now closed. If you need to cancel or change a registration, please emaill Will Hartzell at willhartzell2@gmail.com.
We expect to have some cancellations and no-shows on the day of the event. To register for those seats, arrive at the registration station at least 30 minutes before the start of each session to see what is available.
Important note: STEM Workshops are just one component of Onizuka Day of Exploration. Throughout the day, there will be hundreds of other STEM activities indoors and out:
* 100 Interactive ExploraStations manned by Hawaii’s Scouts
* Maker Fair
* Lego Build-and-Race Tracks
* Climbing Wall
* Elevated Ropes Course
* Rope Bridge
* VEX IQ Robotics
* FIRST Robotics
* Pinewood Derby Championship Racing
* Emergency Preparedness
* Underwater Robotics
* Jedi Saber Training* Mircoscope Forensics
* Polynesian Star Navigation
* Working on Mars
* Build a Rocket
* Local Food!
Please sign up only for a maximum of two workshops.
Spaces fill up quickly, and we want everyone to have the opportunity to participate. We also want you to have time to explore all the other activities.
Before you begin the registration process, please choose the workshops you would like to attend by opening the workshop catalog file. Here you can read a full description of all each workshop. The file is under attachments in the upper right side of this screen.
Please note that all youth who are in grade 6 and below MUST be accompanied by an adult who is registered for the same workshop.
A parent may accompany up to 2 youth, and den leaders or teachers may accompany up to 5 youth. The youth and adult must all be registered for the same workshop in the same time period.
To secure your workshop attendance, you must check in and get your entry ticket at the registration desk 45 minutes before the start of the first session you register for.
We hope that you enjoy these interesting and exciting workshops. We look forward to seeing you at the Ellison Onizuka Day of Exploration on Saturday, April 27 at the Blaisdell. Tell your friends!