San Gabriel Valley District Spring Camporee
Event Details
Camporee is a districtwide event promoting Scout skills and fun. It is meant to be used by the troops as one means of measuring progress in developing their Scouts. Camporee will provide ten competition events for each patrol. Three areas are judged during the course of the event and seven areas are judged during the Saturday competition. All areas will test patrol’s “Scout Skill” and are founded in the skills taught in the ranks of Scout through First Class.
New for 2025:
- This will be a themed camporee and our theme is “BACK TO THE FUTURE”. Refer to Section 20 of the Leader Guide for a patch design contest open to all scouts in the district.
- We are looking for units to volunteer to host the ten (10) competitions events, as well as additional Bonus Events. These Bonus Events can be scout skill-related, or just be fun events. See the Leader Guide for more information and contact the Camporee Committee Chairperson if you are interested.
- $30 per Scout through March 23, 2025; increases to $40 on March 24, 2025
- $30 per Adult through March 23, 2025; increases to $40 on March 24, 2025
Please use the regular login instead of the Guest Login if you plan to register now and add more participants later.
Event Contact:
- Brian McLaughlin | | (310) 431-5422